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Francisco Sobrino

Francisco Sobrino (1932 - 2014) was active/lived in Spain, France.  Francisco Sobrino is known for Assemblage, sculpture, drawing.

Francisco Sobrino was born in Guadalajara, Spain, in 1932.  From 1946 to 1949 he studied at the Escuela de Arte y Oficios, Madrid, before moving to Argentina, where he attended in the National Fine Arts School, Buenos Aires, until 1957.  In 1959 he moved to Paris and began to explore visual art, pursuing studies concerning the structure and dynamics of form, as well as color and perception.

His work from this period was predominately black and white, depicting methodical shape progressions with optical effects.  In 1960, along with Julio Le Parc, François Morellet and others, he formed the Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel (GRAV), active in Paris until 1968.  The group’s ethos centred on emphasising the social function of art, which they believed should no longer be seen as an individual product, but rather as a collective product.  From 1961, Sobrino focused his research on three-dimensional constructions, combining modular elements of transparent monoch   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 10393 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 209 auction lots for Francisco Sobrino (of which 126 auction records sold and 1 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 0 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Francisco Sobrino as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Francisco Sobrino in 0 of its research Essays. Francisco Sobrino has 6 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Francisco Sobrino available:    Horacio Garcia Rossi,  Gregorio Vardanega,  Hugo Rodolfo Demarco,  Michel Seuphor,  Nicolas Schoffer,  Julio Le Parc,  Walter Leblanc,  Ludwig Wilding,  Rogelio Polesello,  Getulio Alviani,  Luis Tomasello,  Karl Gerstner,  Alberto Biasi,  Jean-Pierre Yvaral,  Edoardo Landi,  Francois Charles Alexis Albert Morellet,  Jorrit Tornquist,  Mario Paschetta,  Manfredo Massironi,  Martha Boto,  Sergio Ragalzi,  Lorenzo Piemonti,  Andrea Raccagni,  Armando Marrocco

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